Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Copy Cat

My brother Dave has a blog, which he started January 1, 2010, where he is posting a picture of himself in a different t-shirt every day, with stories of what the t-shirts mean to him.  Today, when I was posting a comment on a page my friend Christine "became a fan of" on facebook, and the comment was "this made my day!" It got me thinking.  I know days pass where I don't conciously think "that made me happy." So, why not create a blog with the little thing of the day that made it. 

Of course, I am 6 days behind... so a recap:

January 1, 2010: Seeing my friend Catherine's new house and having a great visit, seeing the Bruins win the Winter Classic at Fenway, knowing my Dad and brother were there.

January 2, 2010: Harry Potter Exhibit in Boston, and Celebrity Classic at Fenway - supper at home watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with my mom!

January 3, 2010: Eating delicious spinach and artichoke dip and wine with my mom, dad, and sister while watching a BBC miniseries.

January 4, 2010: My 8 year old nephew telling me he was going to wear his Snuggie (which he got from Santa) to school.

January 5, 2010: Confirming with my friend Adrian that Muggles do indeed see the mail Owls.

and, TODAY, THIS made my day:


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